October 20-23, 2013:
Back on the the road again after our New Jersey trip and quick jaunt to Elmira, NY. We flew back to Reno on Sunday and stayed overnight at Harrah's Casino. We then proceeded to eat way too much at the Casino's half price, all you can eat buffet. Afterwards we played the slots, won some, then as usual, lost it all. It was a last bit fling of luxury with a big full sized shower before going back to the RV life.
We picked up the RV at 9 AM on Monday morning and I was pleasantly surprised by the reasonable cost and their sensible approach to the repairs and maintenance that I requested, (for once did not feel ripped off) ! Looking forward to using that smooth working black tank drain valve now. I had apprehension when leaving the RV with them as it wasn't what I expected, there was no actual shop area, they were working outside in a parking lot.
We were on the road by 10 AM heading east on Route 80, then south on Route 95 240 miles to Tonopah, Nevada. Route 95 was a very nice drive, conditions were perfect, a mostly smooth road with light traffic and great scenery.
View along route 95 at Walker Lake |
We arrived at Tonopah about 3 PM, but our destination, the Tonopah Station Casino RV Park was full, it is a first come, first served (No reservations) park. So, we back tracked a couple of miles to another RV park, It is called the "New RV Park" according to their sign and as it has cable TV and working WiFi, we decided to stay put there for three days.
The town of Tonopah is at a 6,030 foot elevation, it gets cold at night, but near 70 degrees in the afternoon. Tonopah is a dark sky city, one of the darkest places in the country, well known for stargazing. It also seems to be dirt poor here, lots of people living in old trailers, mobile homes and shacks. The town in it's heyday was a boom town, known as the "Queen of the Silver Camps" with a huge complex of mines. The downtown has several old historic buildings with the most prominent being the "Mizpah Hotel". There doesn't seem to be any building codes or much in the way of any rules in Tonopah, except the speed limit through town, which is strictly enforced at 25 MPH for about a 1/2 mile before and after town.
Tonopah mural on Nellis Air Force history |
The restored Hotel Mizpah in Tonopah |
The "Great Race" from New York to Paris passed through Tonopah in 1908, the race was repeated in early 2000's |
Monument to Tonopah mine fire hero, Big Bill, who carried many men to safety and then perished in the fire |
The historic Tonopah Liquor Co. building |
On Tuesday, we visited the "Central Nevada Museum" which has an amazing collection of historical artifacts, old mine buildings and machinery. We then did a town walking tour ending up at the "Bug Bar" for a beer. The Bug bar is actually very nice, it sits high above Main street on a ledge with an outside deck.
Jim and Belle Butler who started the mine and founded Tonopah |
Central Nevada Museum Exhibit |
We visited the local BLM office for maps and information as we may do some boondocking in the next month. The BLM owns virtually the whole state of Nevada (it appears) and there are lots of places to camp for free, the issue is how to access them and if they are big rig compatible.
Wednesday was an intensive mining history day at the Tonopah Historic Mining Park which is an extensive self guided mine tour. The legend of how the mine was discovered is a classic. It all began with prospector Jim Butler traveling through the area on his way to the Klondike mine. He camped out overnight and in the morning his burro had wandered off. He found the burro next to some interesting rocks that looked promising. He collected a few rocks which were latter assayed and found to be very rich in Silver. His strike resulted in many followers and the town sprang up in 1901. Tonopah eventually became the second richest mine, only the Comstock Mine in Virginia City, Nevada was richer.
The modern metal "Mizpah Mine" Headstock |
Ingersoll Rand Air Compressor |
The mine was powered by Westinghouse electric motors in the early 1900's |
Railroad trestle at the mine |
Early section of the mine where the Silver bearing Quartz vein was cut out, wood cribbing put for bracing |
A Drill Bit remaining in the rock |
View of Tonopah from the Mine |
An old Fordson Shovel at the Mine |
A drilling bit |
A five stamp Mill used to crush the ore |
We are picking up and heading south on Thursday morning for Goldfield and possibly the ghost town of Gold Point, not sure what we will find there, but for sure it will be an adventure ?
Happy Travels,
Twinkles and Slick
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