January 16 - 31, 2018:
A new Bob Dylan is needed in these sad days of political change, but I will not get into that conversation here.
Instead, I'm talking about our full time RV adventure that has been constantly evolving since the start in 2012, now going on six years ago. In the beginning, the plan was to divest ourselves of the conventional house and its contents, buy a 5th wheel RV with a dually pickup to pull it and to roam the country free as a bird. Next we realized that the large rig was kind of restrictive to really going everywhere and we downsized to a 30 foot Class C Motorhome and a Jeep. This has been working out great, but after the second year of wintering for 3-4 months in Tucson I knew the free spirit full time RV adventure was ultimately doomed, Twinkles would eventually need a nest.
I also realize that a time will come when I will no longer be capable, physically, mentally or emotionally, to handle the rigors of this life on the road and will have to stop. At that time it will be much more difficult to make the change back to a house. I expected to avoid this situation for another year, especially after buying the Jeep, but Twinkles has been looking at house listings all year and this one fit most of our requirements, it was sort of too good to pass up on. We looked at it and basically said, OK, we’ll take it.
We will keep the RV and become sort of reverse snow birds taking off in the summer and fall. This year is going to be different, we will be RV’ing from April to July, then returning to Tucson to move in, after which I will return to New Jersey to get stuff being stored there, rent a truck and drive back to Tucson. After settling into the house there could be additional RV road trips in early fall.
I go to the “Tap and Bottle” for Tom Walbank and Austin Count”s recent CD release. I have seen Tom Walbank a number of times around town, he is a highly rated harmonica player but had never seen Austin Count before. I am joined at the bar by an old guy who turns out to be quite entertaining giving me his thoughts on the changing roles of men and woman in the future world, specifically how women will become the dominant sex and men with good DNA attributes will be used mainly for breeding purposes. I recently sent a sample out for DNA testing and am patiently waiting to see how I check out ?
Kevin Pakulis’s Sunday Sessions event at Borderlands Brewery is becoming more popular and crowded every week. It seems that the word has gotten out, it’s the coolest thing to do on a Sunday afternoon in Tucson.
Another Sunday Session at Borderlands |
A Christmas present of mine “The Oregon Trail” by Rinker Buck turned out to be an excellent read. I could identify with it somewhat (on a lower level) with our own RV travels of the last few years. I also love traveling the old historic paths and thinking about the people who pioneered these routes. He really trashed RV'ers in the book, in particular the large motor home types, it was kind of funny. I especially liked how he told the story of westward expansion in a light that was not exactly the sugar coated heroic version learned in school. This book is about much more than a wagon ride across the country, highly recommended.
Wednesday evenings at LaCocina with Kevin and Lana have become more like visiting old friends. Every year one of their friends, Gabe Rozzell, comes to visit from California and sits in with them. He is very Alt-Country or something like that with a deep country accented voice. Nobody does a better rendition of Townes Van Zandt's “Pancho and Lefty” than Gabe.
Lana, Gabe and Kevin at LaCocina |
On Friday evening I ventured to the St. Charles Tavern to hear a rather weird father daughter duo called the “Exbats”. The description of the band clinched it, late 1970’s New York Bowery punk, I had to see them. I must confess, one of my biggest regrets is missing the whole punk music period. The opening band, TWGS, had an interesting punk alternative sound that was very interesting. The Exbats were as weird as expected, (not in a bad way) with a musical style you don’t hear in the southwest, or anywhere, truly unique. Dad is obviously an old hand on the guitar and the daughter has a unique standing up style of drumming with brushes and strong vocals. Of course, a band like this draws a strange and fun crowd including the “Resist Fascism” volunteers who I totally support. At the end of the concert, Kevin Mayfield and Gabe Rozzell show up after a show Gabe had performed earlier at “Exo Roasting”, another place I need to visit in the future.
Good to see the youth getting involved in more than texting |
The big event this month is the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show and we must go. I don’t care so much about the beads and jewelry, but love the rocks, gemstones, dinosaurs and fossils. Twinkles who used to have a bead selling business is considering getting back into it again next year.
Many fish fossils can be purchased |
Or Indian brass goods |
All sizes of stone lamps |
Or polished rocks |
All kinds of beads |
Alaskan Mammouth tusks |
Even a Tyrannosaurus Rex |
I found an interesting historic park adjacent to the Julian Wash in Tucson that described the native indian cultures that inhabited and farmed this area.
The Julian Wash Cultural History Walk |
A roadrunner crosses my path |
Many healthy looking agaves |
Exhibit on native Indian stoneware |
I am always on the lookout for a new mural in Tucson which is a treasure trove of street art and murals.
This is a talking mural that celebrates local businesses |
You can scan the business into your phone for information |
Local self serve car wash |
A wild looking leopard mural |
There is a plan underway to return to New Jersey to retrieve the 38 Dodge from storage and bring it back to Tucson at the end of this month. More will be revealed later ?
I want to plug a wonderful Tucson organization called "Ben's Bells". Their mission is to educate communities about the known positive impacts of intentional kindness and to empower individuals to act according to that awareness. Twinkles and a couple of friends went there and did some volunteer painting last week. The world needs more of this kind of thinking these days !
Give that some thought:
Twinkles and Slick